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2023 y.e.g. 90 Day Fitness Challenge

april 15 - july 15, 2023

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In partnership with

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How it works

The YEG Lifestyle Group is once again hosting a fitness competition, in partnership with Central Social Hall, Supplement World Terwillegar, State North Athletics and Sorrentinos.  The goal? Improving health for 2023!  No Excuses!


We have launched a youtube fitness channel where you can look for regular content uploads, inspirationals and motivationals, as well as workout routines, fitness advice and gains.











The competition will be based on overall improvement after 90 days using before and after images.  A panel of local fitness industry experts will review the images and decide the winners.  The contestants will be judged on physical transformation from "Day 1" to "Day 90", with criteria being placed on the level of transformation, not the physical perfection of the end result.  Do the most with what you have!





First Prize - $1000

Second Prize - $500

Third Prize - $250


Fourth To Tenth Place will also receive Prizes


There is a $90 fee to enter the competition.  Entrants will receive:


- $25 Central Social Hall Gift Card

- Invites to a weekly group walk held at a local park

- 10% Discount at Supplement World Terwillegar

- In-Store Credit at State North Apparel

- Name entered for monthly draw to attend a Sorrentino's YEG Cooking Class Experience (a $95 value)


As part of the Challenge, you must submit photos:


























Please submit photos to  NO editing or filters whatsoever are permitted except for cropping your head out of the photos if you choose to do so.


Our Health & Wellness YLG Affiliates are supporting this challenge in a big way. Check out the local businesses dedicated to helping you achieve your personal goals here.

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Photo Requirements:

One Front-Facing pose

One Side-Profile pose

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Each Photo Must Include A Sign With The Following Message:


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